
Priorities for national development in the UAE and Sustainable development objectives
The six national priorities, 52 national key performance indicators, and 365 sub-NKPIs that make up the UAE's National Agenda have a lot in common with the SDGs' 17 objectives, 169 targets, and roughly 230 indicators. Members of the UAE's National Council on SDGs completed a target mapping exercise, the results of which are shown in the table below. All 17 Sustainable development goals can be thematically related to a National Agenda pillar. For instance, SDG 3 includes information on a number of NKPIs in the pillar World class Healthcare.
The following actions have been made to prioritise and gradually implement the SDGs by the National Council on SDGs. The results of this procedure will be evaluated each year.
- Determine which SDG targets should be prioritised for a specific time period and map them to the National Agenda of the UAE.
- Establish the criteria for gradually integrating these goals into the development agenda, and match monitoring and reporting cycles to the National Statistics System's work schedule and capacity.
- In light of available resources' capacities and limitations for a given year, manage the scale and extent of SDG implementation.
In 2015, there have been 1.2 billion young people globally, or one in every six individuals. This population is anticipated to increase by 7% to 1.3 billion by 2030, the deadline for accomplishing the SDGs.
The youth of today must overcome significant obstacles to build a promising future. The SDG agenda has rightly recognised the importance of young people as change agents, but only if they are given the chances and resources they need to reach their full potential, promote economic growth, serve to peace and security, and address climate change.
It is essential for governments to position youth as a force for development as the population of young people rises. Although governments are ultimately in charge of carrying out the agenda, direct youth participation and engagement is essential to accomplishing the SDGs.
History has shown that the marginalisation of young people causes social, economic, and political upheaval, which can increase crime and violence and, in the worst situations, spark political revolutions, as has recently happened in various areas of the world.
The call for change was driven by young, restless people looking for greater prospects and administration from their leaders. A sensitive strategy to the concerns and aspirations of the young populations around the world is necessary to realise the goals of the 2030 Agenda. Governments and world leaders can assist long-term sustainable development by giving young people the abilities, knowledge, and confidence to alter a generation.
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